H&M Jacket & Top | Topshop Jeans | Office Boots | Carolina Lemke Sunglasses

Guys. This is my favourite jacket at the moment. Which is weird because up until a few weeks ago I really didn't like khaki, after I rinsed it out like 5 years ago. What happened? Who knows... But I'm definitely gonna be incorporating it into my outfits more.
On another note, and stuff like this is something I want to start posting more about because I'm all about love and positivity. I used to be the type of person who would never talk to strangers but I've been making more of an effort to compliment people recently. Sounds so weird and a lot of my friends think I'm crazy when I do it. But for example, I love going up to a girl and telling her that her outfit is bomb or her hair is nice. You could literally make someone's day that little bit better by just spreading some love...
Until next time,
H x
Photography by Seema Kukadia
Twitter: H_Heimisdottir | Instagram: habbaheimisdottir | YouTube: Habba Heimisdottir
I've been looking for a similar jacket for a long time. Thanks for the post <3